NOTE: First of all, the content on this website is written and created by a human. No AI inside… why should computers have all the fun?


This is the second time the site has had an internet home. It all started back in Portland, Oregon…. (Insert dreamy music here)

The year was 2007. It was Christmas time. A time for potluck dinners and gift exchanges with coworkers, associates, and others, who are sometimes friends. I attended one of these parties where the stars aligned and the perfect idea was born.

I had been living in Portland for a few years and learning about a healing modality called The Bodytalk System. The system uses neuromuscular feedback to bypass our brain to determine health priorities. They have a better way of describing it, but from my standpoint, one of the “features” of this system is that it helps remove/change belief systems that might be in the way of your healing process. (Bing it!)

At the time, the Bodytalk community in Portland was a huge and a close-knit bunch. Since I had been taking classes to better understand how it works, I was invited to the annual Christmas party complete with anonymous gift exchange. To this day, I still have no idea who gave me a nicely wrapped OXO Potato Peeler. At first, it seemed like such an odd gift, but since the “gifter”knew who they were giving to, I guess it made sense. I love to cook.

Those who know me know that little things like this often serve as inspiration for creative projects. So what do you get when you combine a potato peeler and the BodyTalk system???

This is what I created in all its Flash Animation glory. High tech at the time, embarrassing in the here and now.

That’s all it was. A video Christmas card for my BodyTalk Peeps. I snagged the domain name and have wanted to do something with it for the last 17 years.

So here we are.

I believe this site will be more than a Flash movie, and closer to a potato salad.

I’m just getting started. Welcome to Belief Peeler.
